Keeping track of your finances can be difficult, especially when you have several payments going in several different directions. If that sounds familiar, a debt consolidation loan could help.
Our guide will break down what you need to know about debt consolidation loans and help you decide whether or not they’re the best option for you.
Debt consolidation loans are used to combine multiple debts, such as credit cards, high-interest loans and medical bills, into an account with one monthly payment and lender. Debt consolidation loans are a type of personal loan.
Applying for and receiving a debt consolidation loan is a multi-step process that requires you to choose your loan terms, finalize your application and repay the loan.
Here are the steps you should take when applying for a debt consolidation loan:
There are two types of debt consolidation loans: secured and unsecured. Secured debt consolidation loans use collateral, such as home equity. While secured loans typically have better interest rates, they can be risky. You could face foreclosure if you can’t pay your debt.
Unsecured loans are more common and don’t require any collateral, but they typically have higher interest rates and are more expensive to pay down.
To qualify for a debt consolidation loan, you must meet lender requirements.
Lenders often use your credit score to determine your interest rate. Having a high credit score, a lower debt-to-income ratio and a stable income will increase your chances of securing a loan.
Lenders view people with low credit scores as high risk, so it might be difficult to get approved for a debt consolidation loan if you have poor credit. Those with poor credit who are approved will end up paying higher interest rates.
If you have a low credit score, be cautious about taking out a debt consolidation loan. The interest rate on a debt consolidation loan could be higher than your existing debt, making it more expensive to pay down.
When choosing a debt consolidation company, compare loan terms and interest rates to see how much interest and how many fees you’ll pay overall. This can help you pick the loan option that saves you the most money.
Here’s what you should consider when evaluating a debt consolidation loan:
There are benefits to using a debt consolidation loan, but there are also potential disadvantages. Ultimately, it depends on your personal situation.
If you qualify for a new loan with favorable terms and a lower interest rate than your current debt, it could be a good idea. However, you need to consider your credit scores, income and ability to repay the loan.
If debt consolidation isn’t your best option, there are other ways to manage your debt.
A debt consolidation loan could actually help your credit score. If you have a high credit balance, consolidating could lower your utilization rate. Additionally, a lower payment each month could mean more on-time payments.
That being said, how your debt consolidation loan affects your credit score really depends on your ability to make your payments. Having monthly payments due on a loan, in addition to credit cards, could put you in an even more difficult situation.
Many consumers turn to a debt consolidation loan because of the challenges they face keeping track of multiple accounts.
Mistakes can happen, but if payments are applied to the wrong account or your accounts are reported more than once, it could make you appear risky to lenders. Mistakes on your credit report can be costly and unfairly affect your credit score if they go unfixed.
Credit repair can be a hassle, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. At Lexington Law, we do the heavy lifting to make the dispute process easier, by identifying and challenging questionable negative items on your behalf. Although we don’t manage debt consolidation loans directly, our team of credit report consultants can help you navigate the credit repair process.
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