Study: 50% of Americans are unsure how debit card spending works

We wanted to see if Americans know the difference between credit cards and debit cards, so we surveyed 2,000 people…

6 years ago

[Study] 50% of couples share their debt

No matter how old you are or what your romantic life looks like, financial issues are likely to impact your…

6 years ago

We Want You to Cancel: Lexington Law Review

At Lexington Law Firm, hearing a client has achieved their goal is something worth celebrating, so when that happens, canceling…

6 years ago

POLL: Where Do Americans Stand on a Basic Income?

As the wage gap widens in America, finding solutions to income inequality and poverty rates are becoming more important. Universal…

6 years ago

Retirement Planning Guide for Seniors

This guide offers helpful information and advice for navigating your finances as you age and will help you organize, plan…

6 years ago