How Do Interest Rates Affect Your Finances?

Rising interest rates often results in rising rates associated with loans and credit cards. Having good credit should help you…

6 years ago

Love & Money: How Financial Feuds Affect Our Relationships

We polled 2,000 Americans about how often their discussions about money turn into fights and whether they would confront a…

6 years ago

How to Make Passive Income & Why You Should

Setting up a passive income stream is all about utilizing your skills and time for the maximum return. It’s not…

6 years ago

Study: 1 in 4 Americans Afraid They Will Be Audited by the IRS

To find out how confident Americans are with their understanding of the U.S. tax code, we surveyed 2,000 people about…

6 years ago

How Important Is Your Credit Score When Getting a Loan to Flip Houses?

When getting loans for house flips, the credit score is not nearly as important. This is because the type of…

6 years ago