Should you pay down debt or save for retirement?

When your budget is tight, do you pay off your existing debt or start saving for retirement? That depends on…

3 years ago

Do debt consolidation loans hurt your credit?

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, act as legal, financial or credit advice.…

3 years ago

How to negotiate with creditors

Learning how to negotiate with creditors can be helpful as you work to improve your credit score and financial future.…

3 years ago

Is negative credit reporting suspended during COVID-19?

Though the CARES Act doesn't suspend negative credit reporting outright, it does provide some credit protections. Here's what you need…

3 years ago

The evolution of the good faith estimate

A good faith estimate (GFE) is a comparison of mortgage offers. Recently, it has morphed into a loan estimate—a similar…

3 years ago